> Table of content: IT-equipment and Company-organisation

Installation of the Server with the operating-system Linux** Fedora Core 5

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Prerequisites to understand the content of this document:

* General knowledge how to operate personal-computers (PC); additionaly how to configure a PC to be able to boot from a CD to install the operating-system.
* CDs with the Linux-version Fedora Core 5.
An instruction, how to download the CD-images and how to burn the images onto a raw CD-ROM can be found at http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/publiclist .

Approximate expenditure of time to work over this document:

Time to work on: ca. ½ to 1 hour; depending on your experience with Linux.

Overall time: 1 hour to 3 hours; depending on the speed of the CD-ROM-drive and the harddisk.

==> Linux Fedora Core 5 requieres a monitor with a resolution of at least 800 x 600 pixels to run the administration-tools under the GUI.
Drivers for older VGA-adapters (particularly all cards for the ISA-bus, but also less known cards for the PCI-bus) are no longer shipped on the Installation-CDs. Therefore it is advisable to have a machine with VGA-adapter for the AGP-port or a widespread model for the PCI-bus.

If you are interested in older versions of Linux (which are outdated and therefore no longer maintained), please see the list in the Table of content.

The 'Server' is the centralised data-storage-unit within the enterprise.
Usually, there is a 'streamer' for data-catridges attached to do a daily back-up of essential company-data.
Optional there might be one or more printers attached which can be utilized from all workstations within the enterprise.

All following instructions are for installing Fedora Core 5 - Linux.

Select Graphic Mode for the installation:

Shortly after the boot-process from diskette or CD beginns, a selection for text-based or graphical-installation can be done.
As configuration-utilities need a graphic-user-interface, a suitable video-graphic-adapter has to be installed.
Therefore the following installation-instructions are for Graphic Mode.

Language Selection and Keyboard Configuration:

As the following instructions are tailored for the 'english' version of the installer, select 'Englisch' as language, please.
Please select the appropriate keyboard for the key-arrangement you are using.

Upgrade or new Installation:

Depending on the fact that another version of Linux is already installed on the disk, this step might appear.
If there is another operating-system than linux – or nothing at all – installed on the harddisk, this step is skipped by the installer.

In case, that a decision is requiered, please select the radio-button
(●) Install Fedora Core

Disk Partitioning:

It is advisable not to install another operating-system on the server; therefore select
Remove all partitions on selected drive and create default layout

Optionally you might check [x] Review and modify partitioning layout to view the actual disk-partitioning carried out by the installer.

Network Configuration:
This option is not shown if the NIC (network interface card) is not detected during the installation-process.
Although there are procedures available on the internet to configure less common NIC-models manually, it is recommended to use a widespread NIC.
Models using the RealTek 8139 chip are affordable
(ca. EUR 7,00 at mid 2007) and installing such an adapter may save you a lot of time trying to make an 'exotic' model work.

Select Region:

Define Root Password:

After finishing that step, a progress bar with the text Retrieving Installation Information ... is shown.

Software Customization:

After clicking the [ Next ] button, a progress-bar with the text
Checking dependencis in packages selected for installation ....

After that checks, you are requested again to confirm the selection.

After that step, the copy-process starts and your presence is only requested to change the installation-CDs.

The Graphic-User-Interface (GUI) is not automatically started whenever Linux is started.
If you need a GUI for subsequent tasks, log in and start GNOME with the following command:

The instructions for the standard-installation end here.
If you would like to switch of your computer now, please use (when GUI is running)
or enter
shutdown -h now
at the command-line.

Installation-steps which have to be done manually are described in the following steps.

Deactivate Firewall and Security-Level (Security-Enhanced Linux)

At the installation of Linux Fedora Core 5 the setup of Firewall und Security-Enhanced Linux is set to standard values.
Those settings are to 'strong' and obstruct the operation of e.g. a NFS-Server.

As the Router is protected by an individual configured Firewall, protecting the internal network agains attacks out of the Internet, the standard-settings for the Firewall are disabled.
As defined, this documentation is to guide the installation of a IT-infrastructure in a small enterprise. Therefore it is not assumed that attacks are started from a workstation within the internal network and this fact legitimates the deactivation of SE-Linux.

Setup using the GUI

For reasons I did not find out till now, the described process does not work pretty often.
In that case use the instruction described under
Setup without a GUI, please.

At a running GUI, selecting System – Administration – Security Level and und Firewall starts the application to change the settings for Firewall and SE-Linux.

Select the tab 'Firewall Options' and change the Firewall setting to 'Disabled'.

Select the tab 'SELinux' and change the SELinux Setting to 'Disabled'.

The new setup will be activated after clicking the button [ OK ] and the application-window will be closed.

Setup without a GUI

To deactivate SELinux, please open the file /etc/selinux/config and change the line

To disable the firewall, 'iptables' must not be started as 'Service'; i.e. It must not be listed with the 'Services'.

At a command-line (in a 'Terminal'-window when the GUI is started) please execute the command

That brings up the window shown right.

  • Check that [ ] iptables is not marked or unmark it, respectively.

  • Selektieren with the Tab-key [ OK ] and close the program with the Enter-key.

Define the TCP/IP-Address and the symbolic Name of the Server:

Under certain circumstances the TCP-/IP-address defined during standard-installation is not put to the configuration-file /etc/hosts.
If you do not find a line starting with the chosen TCP/IP-address ( in this example), please insert the missing line.
Here is an example how the configuration-file
/etc/hosts should look like :
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that requiere network functionality will fail       localhost.localdomain  localhost   server.localdomain   server

If you are not so familiar with Linux and you ask yourself how to start an editor:
Either vi /etc/hosts at the command-line
or the selection Applications – Accessories – Text Editor when the GUI is running.

Checking for a correct installation of the network:

To verify if the correct driver for the network-interface-card (NIC) was installed and the NIC can be accessed; restart the computer and enter the following commands:
modprobe eth0
dmesg | tail

The last lines of the log-file will be shown.
Unfortunately each driver logs its special message; but if the Hardware-ID of the Network-Interface-Card is shown (e.g. 0060 97 72 b0 93) it is a good sign.

The correct setup of the TCP/IP-address can be monitored with the following command:
ping (where the TCP/IP-Address of the just installed machine must be used - if you did not take the one from the examples)

An output similar to the following should be shown:
PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=2.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=1.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=1.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=0.9 ms

The 'Pinging' can be interrupted with the key-combination CTRL-C and thereafter a statistic is shown (example):
--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.9/1.2/2.0 ms

If the computer is already connected to a local area network (LAN), then a working connection can be tested by 'Pinging' a known TCP/IP-Address of another computer connected to the LAN with the command:
ping (where the Operating-System of the pinged computer must be running and the TCP/IP-adress must exist)

An output similar to the following should be shown:
PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=3.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=1.4 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=1.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=1.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=1.3 ms

The 'Pinging' can be interrupted with the key-combination CTRL-C and thereafter a statistic is shown (example):
--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 1.3/1.7/3.2 ms

Further steps of installation:



Establishing user-structure

Usergroups and Users are defined; Users are attached to Usergroups.
In the next steps, an access-right-matrix (which user is allowed to access file in which directories) is established.

Define the directory-structure for the server.

Directories holding subdirectories or files for different purposes (applications, data to be backed-up, data not to be backed-up) are defined.

Define the access-right-matrix for the server.

The access-right-matrix between Usergroups and directories is defined.

Service-applications for the Server

Service-applications (applications that are not direct accessible by an user but inevitable for work) are (among others):
* setup of printers
* making printers accessible for users within the network
* automatically back-up data