> Overview (Steps)

Import the Struts framework (into Eclipse)

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Last revision of this document:

This document gives instructions how to install the Struts framework into an Eclipse IDE.

The Struts framework contains all Struts specific Java classes and sets up a project-structure.
The imported framework is a base for the development of own projects.



The installation is split into
   a Base-Installation and
   an Improved Configuration .

The Base-Installation creates a project and imports the Struts-framework into the just created project.

The Improved Configuration
◊  sets up additional directories to separate source-code and generated files and
  imports additional Java-Archive- (JAR-)Files containing additional classes.


The most current version (1.2.7 at the time of the last revision of this document) can be downloaded as zipped file from the following internet-site:

Download the zipped file to a directory of your choice (furtheron referred as download_directory).

After the download is complete, change to the download_directory and unzip:
unzip struts-1.2.7.zip

Import the framework (struts-blank.war) into an Eclipse project

Create a new project (named JS_Struts00) in Eclipse:

Import the Struts framework (struts-blank.war) into the project:




Improved Configuration:

Create separate directories for the source-code:

This step is a prerequisite for the Tutorial 'JS_Struts01 – HTML in a WAR' .

First, the existing directory 'pages' is deleted.
It is intended to hold the web-pages (*.html, *.jsp). This directory will be replaced by an adequate one under the directory 'src' (source).

Next, new directories for the source (Java-code and Web-pages) are created
A source directory for Java-Code is not already a prerequisite for 'JS_Struts01 – HTML in a WAR', but it is easier to create it now in one go.

Next, the 'Build Path' (were the compiler looks for Java-source-code) is defined.

Finally, the 'index.jsp'-file in the root-folder is deleted.
(It will be created again in the folder 'src/web-pages' in the following lessons.)

To verify the changes, expand the project ('JS_Struts00') by clicking onto the triangle left.
You should see, that the 'src/java' folder is displayed directly under the project-folder.
