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Last revision of this document:

This document describes the the installation of the Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

The Eclipse IDE integrates Editors, Compilers, Debuggers and Runtime-Environment into one User-Interface.
Advantage of Eclipse is, that Software-Development can be done without switsching between different tools.
Each part (Editor, Compiler, etc.) of Eclipse can be either Open-Source-Software or a sold product of a company which adapted their product to run within Eclipse.


There is an excellent detailed description with screenshots of the Australian company TUSC.
To go directly to their description please follow the link:

I will restrict my description to a short one, stating only 'headlines'.



The most current version (3.1 at the time of the last revision of this document) can be downloaded as zipped file from the following internet-site:

As this site is not very well strutured, preferres the download for Windows** and changes from time to time, please look for the link 'Other downloads for 3.1' and click it.
Within the following site you will find a file named eclipse-SDK-3.1-linux-gtk.tar.gz.
This is the file for Linux on Pentium-Processors with GNOME-desktop.
If your environment has another operating-system (e.g. Solaris), processor (e.g. AMD 64) or desktop (e.g. Motif) please chose the correct file.

Download the zipped file to a directory of your choice (furtheron referred as download_directory).

After the download is complete, change to the home-directory of the user (developer01 in this example):
cd /home/developer01
tar -xvzf /download_directory/eclipse-SDK-3.1-linux-gtk.tar.gz

Adding a Launcher:

The adding of a 'Launcher' is described under Add a Launcher .
The parameters are
Generic name
: (leave blank)
Comment: Eclipse Integrated Development Environment
Command: /home/developer01/eclipse/eclipse
        (where developer01 is the user in this example)
Type: Application (select)
Icon: /home/developer01/eclipse/icon.xpm
Run in Terminal: No (do not check)


Klick to the symbol created by the launcher - Eclipse should open an empty workspace.
