> Company- and IT-organisation

> IT-equipment and installation

Business-Applications for a Workstation with Linux**

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Business-applications are programs, which are directly used by a business-user to support her/him at his work according to a defines business-process.


for the installation of most business-applications are,
that the operating system is
(see 'Installation of a workstation with the operating-system Linux** Fedora-Core-3' ).
To use the latest version of Linux is highly recommended – if an older version is sufficient is listed as prerequisite at the individual installation-instruction.

If service-applications are needed as prerequisites is also listed as prerequisite at the individual installation-instruction.

Installation of general business-applications:

General business-applications are for non specialized tasks, including the office-suite.

Add a Launcher (under GNOME)

A 'Launcher' is a symbol on the graphical-user-interface (GUI). If the symbol is clicked, a program starts. The program and its parameters are defined by the properties of the Launcher. These properties are defined, when the Launcher is added.
Although a Launcher is not really an application, it makes starting programs much easier.


Open-Office is a business-application for text-processing, spreadsheet-calculation, graphics and presentation and further functions for document-processing on a PC.

From RedHat**-Linux Version 9 upwards, OpenOffice is already included in the distribution.


Mozilla is a Web-browser based on the Gecko-Core.

From RedHat**-Linux Version 9 upwards, the Web-Browser is already included in the distribution.
With Fedora-Core-3-Linux 'Mozilla' is renamed 'Firefox'.

Xine Multimedia Player

Xine is a Multimedia Player that turns the PC into a TV-Set, DVD- or CD-player.

Installations of development business-applications:

Development business-applications comprise the applications to develop software (computer-programs).

(Integrated Development Environment)

The Eclipse IDE integrates Editors, Compilers, Debuggers and Runtime-Environment into one User-Interface.
Advantage of Eclipse is, that Software-Development can be done without switsching between different tools.
Each part (Editor, Compiler, etc.) of Eclipse can be either Open-Source-Software or a sold product of a company which adapted their product to run within Eclipse.

JBoss-IDE plugin

The Jboss-IDE plugin (for Eclipse) is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) providing templates and functions to speed up developments of Java-components for the popular JBoss Java Application Server.

VE (Visual Editor) for Eclipse

The Visual Editor allows the design of a GUI (Graphic-User-Interface) visually. It is a plugin for Eclipse (Integrated Development Environment).

JBoss Application-Server

The JBoss-Application-Server is a special service, that controls and administers Enterprise-Java-Beans (EJBs).
EJBs contain program-code for application-programs.
These EJBs can be called from client-programs running on workstations and provide business-functionality to users.

Launching business-applications:

This part describes in detail, how to operate business-applications.

CD kopieren

Damit kann eine CD 1:1 kopiert werden.

Daten-CD erstellen

Damit können Daten im ISO-Format auf eine CD geschrieben (gebrannt) werden.