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> Business-applications for a Workstation

Linux - Mozilla

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Mozilla is a Web-Browser, Mail- and Newsgroup-Client, based on the Gecko-core.
Caused by the common roots of the Gecko-core, Mozilla is related to Netscape-Navigator-package.



General Installation on a Workstation:

To install the package for Mozilla it is recommendet to log-on as user 'root'.
This prevents interuptions due to missing access-rights.

The actual version (1.7.2, as per August 2004) can be downloaded from the following site:
http://www.mozilla.org/download.html .

Log in as 'root', open a Terminal-window, change to the download-directory and unpack the downloaded file - here are the commands:
cd /download_directory
tar zxvf mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.7.2-installer.tar.gz

(The name of the downloaded file can be different depending on the actual version and language.)

If not already done logon as 'root', start the GUI (startx), open a Terminal-window, change to the directory with the unpacked file and start the graphical installation - here are the commands:
cd /download_directory/mozilla_installer

Follow the advices in the graphic installer.

Adding a Launcher:

The adding of a 'Launcher' is described under Add a Launcher .
Parameters are
Name: Mozilla
Generic name: (leave blank)
Comment: Mozilla Web-Browser
Command: /usr/local/mozilla/mozilla
Type: Application (select)
Icon: /usr/local/mozilla/icons/mozicon50.xpm
Run in Terminal:
No (do not check)

Additional Hints:

To use Mozilla with another user than 'root', an additional Launcher has to be established for the user.


Klick onto the created Launcher and Mozilla will open a browser-window.

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