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Linux – Xine Multimedia Player

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Last revision of this document:

Xine is an application to play multimedia files on a PC.
It makes the PC to a TV, DVD- or CD-player.




Downloading and installing the packages:

To install the package for Xine it is neccessary to log-on as user 'root'.
This prevents interuptions due to missing access-rights.

Due to copyright reasons in some countries, the modules for Xine are split up according to different tasks (e.g. decoding DVDs without verifying for a fitting 'Region Code'). Therefore, the prerequisites for the 'Pure Xine Player' are pretty numerous.

As times change and websites move, I gave up to document links as they might be already outdated at the time you are reading.this document.
So, please use http://www.rpmfind.net or http://www.rpmseek.com to find an up-to-date version for your Linux distribution and a mirror close to you.

The list is in an order that the installation of a package fulfills the prerequisite for the next package.
Install the downloaded package by opening a 'Terminal' window and enter the command
rpm -Uvh full_name_of_the_file

If the 'Installer' reports a missing prerequisite which is not in this list, the missing package is usually on the installation CD for your distribution.

Download the following packages – chose the version that fits your linux distribution and your processor:




I missed actual versions (Fedora Core 5) for some packages. In those cases I installed packages for previous versions (Core 3, e.g.).
Xine started too !

Linking the DVD-hardware to the Linux-device /dev/dvd:

Xine expects the device for DVDs at /dev/dvd.
I tried it on 3 machines, but none of them were capable to 'link' the correct device during Linux startup.

Therefore it is neccessary to link the physical device (which was /dev/hdd in my case).
To do this, I added the following lines at the file /etc/rc.d/rc.local :
# Link the physical device for the DVD as Xine expects it under /dev/dvd
rm /dev/dvd
ln /dev/hdd /dev/dvd
# Make the DVD accessible for all users
chmod 444 /dev/dvd

Starting Xine:

For a first trial, open a 'Terminal' window and enter the command:
xine -A oss -V Xshm

Xine comes up with an empty screen and the control panel:

After loading the selected device with a DVD, click onto the 'DVD' button on the control panel and the playing of the DVD starts

This command given above is the secure mode using both software modules for audio and video.
To test, if your audio-hardware is supported by xine, enter
xine -V XShm
and try to play a DVD.
If you do not hear a sound, your audio-hardware is not supported by xine and you have to use the software module further on.

To test for xine-support of your video-hardware, leave of the option to force software support:
or (if you need software-support for the audio-hardware):
xine -A oss

Adding a Launcher:

The adding of a 'Launcher is described in the document Add a Launcher .
The Parameters are
Xine DVD-Player
Generic name: (leave blank)
Comment: Play Video files
command: xine
Type: Application (select)
Icon: /usr/share/pixmaps/xine.xpm
Run in Terminal: No (do not check)

Additional Hints:

Closing xine is a little bit confusing.
To close xine, either close the screen ('Close' icon in the upper right corner) or 'switch off' the control panel ('switch' icon in the lower left corner of the control panel).
It happens quite often to me, that I 'close' the control panel.
In that case, the control panel can be shown again
by clicking (left mouse button) into the screen and then pressing the key-combination 'Ctrl-g'
by 'right clicking' into the screen and 'check' 'Show controls' :


Klick onto the created Launcher and xine will open the screen and control panel.
Enter a DVD or another medium with a video-file and press the proper button.
Verify, that the video is played

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