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VE (Visual Editor for Eclipse)

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Last revision of this document:

This document describes the installation of the Visual Editor (VE) for Eclipse .

The Visual Editor allows the design of a GUI (Graphic-User-Interface) by drag and drop of elements. Thereafter it generates Java-code for displaying this User-Interface as part of a Java-program.
Additionally the VE has reverse-engineering capabilities; i.e. it can take the Java-code that displays a GUI and allow the graphic edit of this code.


There are a lot of highly sophisticated articles about this topic.
It took me a while to get to this simple installation instruction: http://www.eclipse.org/vep/WebContent/faq.html#install .
Thanks to the unknown author(s) !

After all that, I was able to restrict this tutorial to a few screencopies with a minimum of descriptional text.



The installation-process is done over the Eclipse-update-function:

