Welcome, dear visitor !

However you were guided to this site, maybe by mere accident or by a recommendation, you will find the documentation how I teached myself to develop J2EE-programs (EJBs, Web-Interfaces and standalone-Java-programs) with Eclipse and deploy it to a jBoss application-server.

If this documentation helps you to learn how to utilize this technology I am pleased !

The J2EE-developer:
Kurt Gstöttner - Information-Technology with Java
To write me an E-Mail, please click onto the hungry mailbox in the upper left corner.

For this document and all references (links) please obey the hints and regulations concerning copyright, disclaimer and trademarks.

Last revision of this document:


The following table shows you the steps from developing a simple Java-program ('HelloWorld') to an J2EE-project using a database, a web-interface and a stadalone Java-client.




JS_Base01 - HelloWorld

Get familiar with Eclipse, define a project, create a Java-class, compile and run within Eclipse.
Use Eclipse-functions to pack the class into a Java-ARchive (JAR) and run this JAR standalone on the command-line.

Eclipse installed.

JS_Base02 - DataBase-Loader with a GUI

Develop an application to perform SQL-commands for a database with a GUI (Graphic User Interface) in several steps.
The SQL-commands are read from a text-file which can be chosen.
The connection-parameter for the database are read from a XML-file (a file with data in eXtended Markup Language).
The final step is to print a list with performed SQL-commands and the response-message of the database.
Use Eclipse-functions to pack the class into a Java-ARchive (JAR) and run this JAR standalone on the command-line.

Eclipse installed.

JS_Base01 - HelloWorld completed – particularly if you are not familiar with Eclipse.

JS_Struts00 – Import the Struts framework

Download the Struts-framework, import it into an Eclipse-project and use this project as a base to develop your own projects.

Eclipse installed.

JS_Struts01 – HTML in a WAR

Write a site with HTML-files within the structure of STRUTS.
Get familiar with the structure of STRUTS and pack the individual HTML-files of the site in single a WAR-file (WAR = Web-ARchive).
Deploy the WAR-file to the JBoss-Java-Application-Server and call the site from a Web-browser.

Eclipse installed.
JBoss-IDE plugin for Eclipse installed.
JBoss-Java-Application-Server installed.

JS_Base01 - HelloWorld completed – particularly if you are not familiar with Eclipse.

JS_Struts02 – JSP in an EAR

Write a site with one JSP-file within the structure of STRUTS.
Pack the written JSP-file of the site in a WAR-file (WAR = Web-ARchive).
Define a 'context-root' in the 'application.xml'-file and pack the WAR-file and the 'application.xml'-file into an EAR-file (EAR = Enterprise-ARchive)
Deploy the EAR-file to the JBoss-Java-Application-Server and call the site by the name of the 'context-root' from a Web-browser.

JS_Struts01 – HTML in a WAR completed - and its prerequisites too.

Basic knowledge of the Java programming language; particularly the import of libraries.

JS_Base01 - HelloWorld completed.

JS_Struts03 – Utilizing the Action servlet of Struts

The site comprises 3 JSP-files.
Entering the site, the 'index.jsp' is displayed in the browser. This page contains a button to get the actual time.
The time is derived from the system-time by the Action servlet and 'timeeven.jsp' and 'timeodd.jsp' are displayed depending on the second of the system-time.

Target of this lesson is
* to repeat the creation of JSP-files,
* write an Action servlet and
* parameterize the needed XML-files to use the Struts-classes.

Further, all files needed for deployment are packed into an EAR-file.

JS_Struts02 – JSP in an EAR completed - and its prerequisites too.

Basic knowledge of the Java programming language; particularly the import of libraries.

JS_Struts04 – Creating the Session-Bean with the 'Model'

A sidestep to refrain from the pain of the Struts-framework ;-).

As the next Struts-lesson incorporates a Session-Bean, it would be to big to have the tasks for a Session-Bean and the additional parameterization of Struts in one tutorial.

So the development of the Session-Bean is covered in this lesson,
a Standalone-Test-Client is developed in lesson JS_Struts04a, and
the incorporation of the Session-Bean from this lesson into the Struts-framework is done in lesson JS_Struts05.

This lesson introduces the parameterization for XDoclet, a technique to control the generation of code by incorporating XDoclet-commands in the developed program-files.

Eclipse installed.
JBoss-IDE plugin for Eclipse installed.
JBoss-Java-Application-Server installed.

JS_Base01 - HelloWorld completed – particularly if you are not familiar with Eclipse.

JS_Struts04a - A Test-Client to test the Session-Bean

This lesson teaches the development of a Stand-Alone-Test-Client to verify the correct function of the Session-Bean which was developed in the previous lesson.
It is a simple conversation at the command-line-level, where the user is asked to enter a Country-Code.
The Test-Client uses the Session-Bean and let it process the 'Business-Model', which is, to get the current date/time and format it according to the entered Country-Code.
The formated date/time is 'printed' to the console.

JS_Struts04 – Creating the Session-Bean with the 'Model' completed - and its prerequisites too.

JS_Base01 - HelloWorld completed – particularly if you are not familiar with Eclipse or new to Java-programming.

Next Step(s):