> List of tutorials

Base lesson 2: A DataBase-Loader with a GUI (Graphic User Interface)

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This lesson is a tutorial to develop an GUI-application with the following purpose:

  1. Read SQL-commands from a text-file which can be chosen via the file-selection-mechanism of Java.

  2. Read the paramater for the connection to the database from a XML-file with a name defined in the application (DB.XML).

  3. Make a connection to the database and perform the SQL-commands read from the text-file;
    list all commands and the response-messages from the database in a scrollable text-area.

  4. Allow a printout of all SQL-commands and the response-messages.

The final GUI of the application will look like this:


Individual credits for each step are listed in the individual document for each step.



An overview of the classes that make up the application can be found in the document JA_Base02_A - Class-Overview.

Reference to the individual steps:



JS_Base02b, Step 1 - GUI-Design

Design the elements of the Graphic User Interface (GUI) of the application.
Get familiar with the elements (fields, text-area, button) and the the concept of the Gridbag-Layout.

JS_Base02c, Step2 - Adding an action: selecting the file with the SQL-commands

Handle when a button is clicked (an action event) and code a method, that allows the selection of a file (the one containing the SQL-commands that should be executed against the database in a further step).
Additionally, the directory which holds the input-file and the XML-file with the database-parameters is created.

JS_Base02d, Step 3 - Read parameters for the connection to the database

After clicking the button 'Start SQL execution', the parameters for the connection to the database are read from the file in XML-format.

JS_Base02e, Step 4 - Connect to the database

After the connection-parameters are verified, the trial to connect to the database is started.

JS_Base02f, Step 5 - Run SQL-commands against the database

If the connection to the database was successful, the SQL-commands are performed against the database.
This is done in a 'thread'. So the text-area can be periodically updated and the performed SQL-commands and their results can be watched.

JS_Base02g, Step 6 - Print out the report

Code to allow a printout of the report is implemented..

JS_Base02h, Step 7 - Pack the project into a JAR-file and run it

Pack the whole project in a JAR (Java-ARchive) and run it.

JS_Base02 - Code

The complete Code of all classes.
For an overview or easy 'cut and paste' ;-) .

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