> Company- and IT-organisation

> IT-equipment and installationIT-equipment and installation

Installation of a workstation with the operating-system Microsoft** Windows** 98SE

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Windows 98 ist the standard-installation for a workstation to run applications which are not already available for Linux**.

Depending on the fact, if the PC is able to boot from a CD, probably a Start-Diskette is necessary. After booting from the Start-Diskette, a DOS-shell appears. From there the directories of the CD can be listed and navigated into. So it is possible to navigate into the directory containing the installation-program 'setup.exe' and start it.

The following procedures describe, which entries and selection are obligatory for the standard-installation.

Select Directory

The default directory (C:\WINDOWS) is kept.
Exception: PCs with a small IDE-harddisk (disk C:) and a bigger disk (disk D:) - at such PCs the Windows** operating-system will be installed on the bigger disk (D:).

Setup Options

Here the selection Custom is chosen; further selections are described under Select Components (following).

Select Components

Only components are chosen which are necessary for a workstation to fulfill office-tasks:


The following inputs give the workstation a unique identification within the network.

As Computer name the NetBIOS-Name as described under NetBIOS- and TCP/IP-Setup of a workstation is used.
Workgroup the fixed text 'office.g2t' is used.

As Computer Description the Location as described under NetBIOS- and TCP/IP-Setup of a workstation is used.

Computer Settings

Values to be changed are:
Regional Settings to 'German (Austrian).

Establishing Your Location

Select 'Austria' if not already selected.

Startup Disk

It is not necessary to create a Startup Disk..

User Information

As Name the NetBIOS-Name as described under NetBIOS- and TCP/IP-Setup of a workstation is used.
As Company the fixed text 'G-2-T' is used.

After the installation of Windows**

After Windows has completed the basic installation routines, the following steps have to be done.

Setting Date and Time

The suggested values can be changed or confimed.

Enter Network Password

This determines the user working on the workstation and his password:
As user name the user-name as described under Linux – file structure and users is used.
Password will not be entered; leave the field empty at the requested confirmation too.

Deleting unnecessary icons from the Desktop and the Menue

After completed installation of Windows** 98 some icons remain on the 'Desktop'. To be deleted are 'Connect to the Internet' and 'Online Services'.

Setting of Display Properties

According to the attached monitor the adjacent 'screen area' is chosen.

Network Configuration

During this procedure the driver for the Network-Interface-Card (NIC) are installed and the NetBIOS- and TCP/IP-parameters of the workstation are configured.

The description of an installation of a NIC and a protocoll is only in headings; it is assumed that the reader is confident with the detailled procedures.

If not already detected an installed during standard installation: add the NIC by selecting from the list provided by Windows** or using the driver of the NIC-vendor.

If the 'IPX/SPX-compatible Protocol' is installed - remove it.

If the protocol 'NetBEUI' is not installed - add it.

Add the protocol 'TCP/IP'.

Change the Properties of TCP/IP as described:

Installation of service-applications on a workstation with Windows** 98

The installation is described in a seperate document; please follow this Link.

Installation of business-applications on a workstation with Windows** 98

The installation is described in a seperate document; please follow this Link.