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Linux** - Upgrade of the ppp package to version 2.4.2

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The Point-to-Pont-Protokoll (ppp) allows the connection and authentification toward an Internet-Service-Provider (ISP). As the pptp-client requieres a pretty new version of ppp, the upgrade has to be done before Installation of the pptp-Client.


In general thanks to Manuel Capellari, whose document 'ADSL unter Linux' (http://www.gnustuff.com/pub/doc/adsl-howto/adsl-howto.html - in german) was a valuable guideline on the way to my highspeed-internet-connection.

But - some steps were pretty frustrating. Due to a conflict with the versions of a prerequisite-program it is not possible to install the latest version of ppp (at the time of writing this document in October 2004 it was ppp-2.4.3-0.cvs_20040527.2.i386.rpm ).

Thanks to many contributors of several newsgroups i found out, that the latest working release of the ppp-package is ppp-2.4.2_cvs_30031104.



A reliable version can be downloaded as a rpm-file from the following internet-site: http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/pptpclient/ppp-2.4.2_cvs_20030610-1.i386.rpm

Download the file to a directory of your choice (furtheron referred as download_directory).

After the download is complete, start the installation using the RedHat-Packet-Manager by issuing the following command:
rpm -Uvh /download_directory/ppp-2.4.2_cvs_20030610-1.i386.rpm


The actual version can be verified by issuing the command
pppd --version
