> Company- and IT-organisation

> IT-equipment and installation

Service-applications for the Router

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Service-applications are programs, which do not directly belong to the operating-system of a computer.
Nevertheless, service-applications are requiered to perform business-applications.
Usually service-applications are not visible to a standard-user.

The installation of the operating-system (RedHat**-Linux** 9 or Linux Fedora Core 3) as decribed in the document 'Installation of the Router with RedHat**-Linux**  9' or 'Installation of the Router with Linux** with Fedora Core 3' was performed successfully.

Installed service-applications:

Printer Setup under RedHat-Linux 9 or Fedora Core 3

Installation of one or more printers; either with command-line tool or graphic-tool.

Using CUPS Printing System

This service enables the access to a locally attached printer from other machines running Linux**.


The Standard-Application-Message-Block-Architecture-Server provides the defined directories as network-drives.
With this method, computers in the network with Windows** as operating-system can use the network-drives like local drives.
Usefull for the router is, that printers on the route can be defined to be shareable for other computers in the network.

Shutdown of a computer after a predefined time

A computer, which should not be running 24 hours / day can be switched off after a predefined running-time.

Mounting of directories on a remote computer

The described procedures install scripts that mount directories of the server on a remote computer so that they can be accessed like directories on the local harddisk.
For the Router this allows access to downloaded files stored on the Server.
As the Router is operated asynchronously to the Server it is recommended that 'automount' is used.

Optional, this is only requiered when the connection is dial-in over a phone-line.

The described installation sets up a configuration of the ppp-Dialer (point-to-point-protocoll) for an access to an Internet-Service-Provider (ISP) over a dial-in-phone-line.

Upgrade of the ppp package to version 2.4.2
Optional, this is a prerequisite for the installation of the pptp-Client.

The Point-to-Point-Protokoll (ppp) allows the connection and authentification toward an Internet-Service-Provider (ISP). As the pptp-client requests a pretty new version the upgrade has to be done before.

Install the pptp-Client (for xDSL-connection with an Ethernet-modem)
Optional, an pptp (point-to-point-tunneling-protokol) is necessary if the connection to an ISP has to be tunneled.
The setup is specific for ADSL of Telekom Austria - but might work with other Telekoms using pptp.

With the separation of Telecom-Access-Provider (having a monopoly over the cables in a certain area) and Internet-Service-Provider (ISP, offering connection to the internet, providing mailboxes and webspace), the Telecom-Access-Provider needs an instrument to identify to which ISP the TCP/IP-packets should be forwarded and to wrap the throughpassing packets in a way that they retain their information.
To achieve these goals, the TCP/IP-packets are transported using the pptp.

Install the pptp-Client (for xDSL-connection with an USB-modem)
The setup is specific for ADSL of Telekom Austria using the first generation of the Alcatel-Speedtouch-USB-modem - but might work with other Telekoms using pptp.

Alternatively to xDSL-Ethernet-modems, Telecom-Access-Providers offer USB-modems. Those are often included in 'self-install' packages and are delivered with a much lower subscription fee than Ethernet-modems - or even for free.
The installation is nearly pain-free with Fedora Core 3 (see Installation of the operating-system Linux with Fedora Core 3) as it has a well-designed USB-support.

Setting up firewall and masquerading
Optional, but highly recommended to protect your internal network against intruders.

The described installation sets up a basic Masquerade and Firewall with very strict rules.